's been a long time..since i've blogged.......
Let me catch you up on my life
Kristi was here for a week fun...i didnt knwo what to do having a friend around..i was used to going home and having a convo with my tv...or the two cats outside (which freakishly there is only one now....and there are people around now...weird)
anyway...we went to LA for 2 days before I flew back to chicags.....we spent a day at the beach...and got lots of sun....kristi got a little too much..and some unwanted sun poisoning to go with it...aww..i felt so bad....
anyway....flew back to chicago and let me tell you about the best week i had....
I got in friday night..and my bestest friend jamie greeted me at the airport....what a refreshing sight to see.....
Friday night was the absolute perfect party night of my life.....i was surrounded by the best friends from napes and chicago and we just chilled....there was a guy for every girl...which that never happens....sometimes we are scraping for guys to hangs..but not this night.....
Jamie wore the sweetest little tank that so eloquently said, "I'm a Lady"..enough said....
My bro and sis were both those family reunions....
The other cast of players were: Luke (who even danced...i love it when that happens....and i love that little duke) Tanya (my fiesty little friend who can party with the best of them...and i'm sure her night was worth the trip up...wink wink), Szoke (who wins the 'hard core' award..for not having a single drink...and still partying into the wee hours of the partner in crime), Guy (who blessed us with his presence, wore a vintage star wars shirt..and was referred to as David Grohl by my bother....) Caleb (our long haired lanky friend...i had a good time chatting with always) Seth (a childhood friend of guy's, who has the sweetest wrigleyville pad that we hung out at after hours....many things were thrown off that roof, and i won't tell you who peed off the roof)
"Stripes" was the name of our unwelcome friend who tried to steal our table..jen and i had to put him in his place...basically he was a 40 something drunk guy that had no manners what-so-ever..and him and his british friend surely didnt know how to talk to a lady....jen and I held our own..although scott was about to jump over the table at any moment.....
but we escaped the night with no brawls......what a night
Then i spent the week at camp...see jamie's blog for the best description of the her falling story..the funniest thing of the whole week...oh, and jamie, you forgot the nickname 'green suit' among your list....
So, here i find myself back in Cali....and boy was it hard to come back
I come back with the realization that I live here now..i don't think i accepted that..cause i knew i was going to be back in IL....
So, here I am.....
I boarded the plane last night....and as we took off and i saw the night skyline of Chicago, I began to cry...It really hit me..I live in CA....
I cried for many reasons....i cried of course because i had to leave my friends, the best friends in the world, the fun life i had in napes....that constant social interaction....the "dinner plate" that is my relationships.....
I cried because i also realized that i was leaving the things i didnt like about being in Napes..having 4 jobs...not doing what I love..the humidity...the busy, unfulfilling life...
But, I cried also thinking about where God has brought me....He brought me here for a reason..i'm doing what i love...i'm following His plan.....not mine.....
I cried thinking that i gave up everythign to move here......everything except my passion for passion for worship.....and my pursuit for God...
I cried cause that hurts...but it is right....right? It hurts to leave all that is familiar...all that is go to better......
during my week home...i realized....that's not home...that made me sad....
but i felt loved there..i felt support...i spent friday night worshipping with the most talented band....boy was that refreshing.....
being in napes and chatting with people made me excited for what i'm doing reminded me that i was sent here.....
so what if i dont have the best friends will come..i'm confident....but i'm also confident that no one will ever replace the friendships i have in napes and in chicags....God bless my friends......all of you.....thanks for your support both through your prayers and the checks you write....i could not do ministry without you....
Tears are a good thing...they refresh the soul....i cried for the good first hour of the flight..and i'm crying now.....
If you are reading are among the freinds that i love....