Saturday, July 31, 2004

i'm off to mexico tomorrow...i can't wait...thanks to everyone for your prayers and for the financial support you have given us...this is going to be a life-changing week for many...

before i leave, i want to tell you all of my little mishap this past week...and before i tell you, i already know that you are all going to say..."only shelly could do such a thing"...but for those of you who know heather, she could possibly be capable of this too.... i went to my freezer the other day (and i already hate my ghetto fridge/freezer combo in my new's on of those that doesn't have a separate freezer, it's just a little flappy door inside the basically stuff is shoved in there and is jam packed...) well, anyway....i opened it, and out fell on of those frozen ice things that you put in your cooler, no mind you, not one of those little ones, but one of those really big ones that screw into the bottom of the cooler lid.......well, as it falls 5 feet to the ground it landed right on my baby toe......let's just say it was instant pain......i couldn't even know that pain you get when you stub your toe and you just want to cuss...well, this was like 100 times more.....i couldnt even explain to tony what had happened because no words would come out of my mouth...then i just sat down and started crying my eyes out........
that was on tuesday, and today is the first day my little toe is not the size of my big one......over the past week, my toe has turned nice shades of black and blue, and the bruising has spread to cover the top of my foot....making it's way past my middle toe even.....the color has recently been changing to reds and greens as it heals......yesterday was the first day i didn't have to limp.....
who breaks their toe opening a freezer? ahahhah
now i'm so excited to cram work boots/shoes on as i build houses in mexico....
tony is making me put shoes on today to get used to it.....

the true irony is that it was something frozen that broke my toe, the very frozen thing i would voluntarily place on my toe for healing......

that's my story....dumber things have happened to me....(see old blog on my neck injury related to blow drying my hair)

catch you all when i get back from mexico.....

Friday, July 23, 2004

I'm Engaged!!! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

" last, my love has come lonely days are over...and life is like a song..."

Tony is finally here!!!

Friday, July 09, 2004

awww....isn't that cute....i added a little artsy feel to this one... Posted by Hello

together in just 4 days....i am the happiest girl on earth... Posted by Hello

Thursday, July 08, 2004

does moving ever get easier? i just realized that every year since i was 17..i've been moving....the only time i ever stayed in one place longer than a year was at the house in napes..and that was only a year & a half........
i guess the good thing about moving to new apt's is that you throw away crap that you dont think you need and def. dont want to take the energy to box up and move....

sorry tara, but i finally got rid of my bridesmaid dress from your wedding....i don't even know why i have kept it for so long...ahahha

my new apt is nice..but much much smaller and old school.....the fridge is so old and loud and i think was made in's one of those that just has a flap for a freezer door, so you can fit like 3 things in it...
the stove is a little half guy, but that's's not like you do a lot of baking in cali...
when you open the kitched cupboards, you have to be careful not to hit the kitchen light fixture...i've done it every time day i'll get it...

i'm in my pajamas right now at work...the rest of the staff has been gone all week, which is kinda nice, cause i can stay here really late and work on crap...and blast my music, and basically accomplish a lot :)

TONY WILL BE HERE IN 4 DAYS......CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? 11 months of waiting to live in the same place, and it is finally here :)

Mexico is coming up soon too..i'm excited about that....i shouldnt complain about my little apt, when there are people without homes there...and they would love my 72 fridge....

random: they were playing old school hip hop and rap on the radio yesterday...i admit that i cranked "shoop" by TLC, and am proud to say i still knew every word.....