I am...
...doing homework in bed on my laptap
...leaving for Cancun on Saturday
...glad j blogged
...needing a new cell phone battery so I don't have to be all 1990 and talk a phone that has to be attached to the wall
...having sleeping issues and now stay up late all the time since I can't sleep anyway
...really wishing i stayed at school to write the 5th grade lit test i need to give tomorrow first period, cause now i have to go in early
...going to leave you with a funny but long story relating to my 5th grade lit class
We have been reading the book Number the Stars about the Danish Jews that escaped to Sweden during WWII. In this book (and also a true part of history) there were hankerchiefs made by scientists that would throw off the scent of the Nazi search dogs that were looking for hidden Jews. Anyone hiding Jews would have the hankerchief on them to deter the dogs scent. The handkerchiefs had rabbit's blood and cocaine on them...the blood attracted the dogs and the cocaine numbed the nose and sense of smell...(told you it was a long story)
anyway, the 5th grade boys are so fascinated with this idea and have been asking about what cocaine is (christian private school boys..they don't know). so we discussed illegal drugs and how most drugs started off for medicinal purposes and people abused them...blah blah...
anyway...with all that background...here is a real conversation that took place between me and some of the boys today...
boy 1: "it would be so cool if we could make those hankercheifs"
me: "well I'm pretty sure you won't be able to get a hold of some rabbit's blood and i'm even more sure that you don't have cocaine in your house or your parents would be in jail."
boy 2: "we have cocaine at our house"
me: "you do?"
boy 2: "yeah that stuff in our grill"
me: "o you mean charcaol, no that's not cocaine"
boy 2: "no, the stuff in the tank attached to our grill"
me: "no, that's propaine"
class: laughter
boy 2: "o...ahhahaha...oops."
It was really cute. He blushed (which was cute and hard to see since he's black) and laughed. I can't wait to tell his mom that he thought they had cocaine in their house....ahhhahah
...doing homework in bed on my laptap
...leaving for Cancun on Saturday
...glad j blogged
...needing a new cell phone battery so I don't have to be all 1990 and talk a phone that has to be attached to the wall
...having sleeping issues and now stay up late all the time since I can't sleep anyway
...really wishing i stayed at school to write the 5th grade lit test i need to give tomorrow first period, cause now i have to go in early
...going to leave you with a funny but long story relating to my 5th grade lit class
We have been reading the book Number the Stars about the Danish Jews that escaped to Sweden during WWII. In this book (and also a true part of history) there were hankerchiefs made by scientists that would throw off the scent of the Nazi search dogs that were looking for hidden Jews. Anyone hiding Jews would have the hankerchief on them to deter the dogs scent. The handkerchiefs had rabbit's blood and cocaine on them...the blood attracted the dogs and the cocaine numbed the nose and sense of smell...(told you it was a long story)
anyway, the 5th grade boys are so fascinated with this idea and have been asking about what cocaine is (christian private school boys..they don't know). so we discussed illegal drugs and how most drugs started off for medicinal purposes and people abused them...blah blah...
anyway...with all that background...here is a real conversation that took place between me and some of the boys today...
boy 1: "it would be so cool if we could make those hankercheifs"
me: "well I'm pretty sure you won't be able to get a hold of some rabbit's blood and i'm even more sure that you don't have cocaine in your house or your parents would be in jail."
boy 2: "we have cocaine at our house"
me: "you do?"
boy 2: "yeah that stuff in our grill"
me: "o you mean charcaol, no that's not cocaine"
boy 2: "no, the stuff in the tank attached to our grill"
me: "no, that's propaine"
class: laughter
boy 2: "o...ahhahaha...oops."
It was really cute. He blushed (which was cute and hard to see since he's black) and laughed. I can't wait to tell his mom that he thought they had cocaine in their house....ahhhahah
That's awesome! Innocence is greatness....
Hope you're having fun in Cancun! PS...hope you buy me something:))
Just kidding! Call me when you get home!!
Love ya!
Posted by
Jennifer |
10:26 AM