Sunday, March 11, 2007

we were an hour late for church today...yep, we forgot the time change. luckily we remembered in the parking lot and didn't walk in to an embarrasing instead we went to target...which is really my church anyway

funny story...

tony's grandma is 86 years old. he has always had a fear of eating anything she cooks. anytime she brings her fruit salad to family meals, he always declines. he always attests that you just have no idea what is in there...both tony and his father fear her cooking. well, last weekend, tony's parents went over to grandma's house for dinner-and there it was...proof that you can't trust grandma's cooking....a serving spoon baked right into the casserole....i will never again get mad at tony for being mean and not eating his grandma's food.

anyone have any vacation ideas for us?

we have a week set aside for vacation in June...but no plans yet.

Friday, March 02, 2007

No, you are not dreaming. I'm blogging 2 days in a row....

I'm snowed in again today. Technically we didn't have school anyway today, but teachers were supposed to come in to work on grades. But, I'm stuck at home again. I currently have banana bread in the oven and am about to dig into school work.

Tony and I attempted to go cross-country skiing didn't really work, there is too much snow and it just stuck to our skis, we basically walked, so we ditched our skis and just took a walk in the winter wonderland. Then we cleaned off our 3 cars (yes we have one that doesn't really work and we are going to try to sell it or fix it or something.

Living in the city is annoying during "snow emergencies". those of you who live in cities know that there are crazy parking rules. today we can only park on the odd side of the street, tomoroow the even...

Anyway, car #3 was all set on the odd side of the road. Tony has car #1 at work. So that leave car #2 with me here at home. Well, #2 is parked back in the parking lot behind our building, except on snow days, we are supposed to move it by 8am so that the plow can come through. So, being the great tenant I am, I decided i would move it out to the street. I saw that there was a prime spot open out front, so I ventured out into the 2 feet of snow. That was a big mistake.

I backed #2 out of my spot and got stuck in the middle of our parking lot. really stuck. i couldn't more back or forward. so i got the snow shovel out in an attempt to dig myself out. it was not working, so I did what any wife would do. I called my husband. not that he could do anything for me from work, but i needed some moral support. anyway, about 1/2 hour later i successfully dug myself out. meanwhile, out on the street...somone took the spot I had my eye on, so i cirlced the block a couple time...not stopping at any stop signs for fear i would get stuck. (don't worry i'm wrapping this up..almost). so i parked on a plowed street a block away and finally went in. so i'm in the shower and i realize that i left the shovel right in the middle of hte lot in the back and the plow would be here any i rushed out of the shower and went outside with a towel on my head to retrieve the shovel.

all this adventure happend from 7am to 8am (yes, it took an hour). it's now 9:30 and there has been NO PLOWS come through our lot or our street......

other than that, the snow is really pretty and it's kinda cool being stranded...maybe I can convince tony to play board games and drink hot chocolate tonight......

sorry for the long people said you wanted me to blog this is what you get....

the banana bread is done...yippeeee

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Snow Day

I can't believe I missed my Feb. post. But, to my defense I should technically have a few more days in a "normal" month, but feb. has to be all different and only have 28 days.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SVEN!!! Tony and I joined in on the surprise party for Jen this past weekend. good times at the VFW...great to see friends and fam. I would post pics, but I left my camera in the hotel made the entire 8 hour trip, but stayed on the night stand while we were partying.....

We left MN this weekend during a snow storm. We came back to this...

My car was buried in a foot of snow...

And again today....SNOW DAY. ....the many perks of being a teacher. we are supposed to get another foot of snow today. (for those keeping track, that will be 2 feet total) It's like a blizzard out there. So I will be filling out report cards and doing grades at home today. Parent-teacher conferences next week!! Poor Tony has to work outside all day in this :(

Nothing too new here with us. We got to see the Streator family this past weekend, including Scott, whom (or who?-I never get that right-I'm no English teacher) we flew in as a surpise for sven. Our next Streator visit is slated for August, little sis Lisa is getting married...

I love the new show, "Are you smarter than a 5th grader". I just can't believe how dumb the adults really are....come on, who doesn't know what a trapazoid is...ahhaha

alert: more boring unimportant news: our cat has figured out how to drag her foot and water dish around the house, like a dog, when she's hungry. i found it yesterday in the bedroom by the bed...she also does this weird thing where she hugs my legs, it kinda freaks me out, and i usually scream when she does it...

my fav American Idol picks: Lakisha, of course, and I like Melinda Doolittle. For the men, my fav is Blake Lewis!! And, no I would never try out for AI, because although I agree with everything Simon says about the contestants, I would cry if he ever said anything about me. And if Randy says the word "pitchy" one more time, I'm going to freak out....

thanks for my faithful blog readers even when i suck at updating...just pray for more snow days, and I'll blog away...