Wednesday, June 30, 2004

if it's true that "all dogs go to heaven"...then is it ok if i kill the 3 that live at the house i'm sitting?

just wondering....

they bark all the live long day....but mostly at 6 am right outside my door

on an unrelated topic: i'm bummed about being here for the 4th of July. i'm going to miss "Streator's 4th: America's Best"...cause that is truly what they are.
I guess here, nobody really makes a big deal out of the have to pay to go to the fireworks, and most people just do their own in their front yard....lame....
gone are the tailgating days at the Broadway.....
last year, the 4th was my last weekend in IL before i moved...i can't believe i've been here a year already....

so for those of you in streator this weekend...remember me and scott when you are sitting in the back of a truck that you parked at the Bway early to save your spot, or when the glow-stick seller walks by to sell you one...or when you're buying a pork chop sandwich for a dollar under the tent...or when you're tossin the bean bag in the tournament....or when you're singing the tune "i'm proud to be an american, where at least i know i'm free."......

i'll probably just be packing up my apt anyway :)

Friday, June 25, 2004

i think i got the hot tub up and running at my house sitting i just have to figure out the right chemical balance...i figure if i just dump enough white powdery stuff, and some of those tablet things in i'll be ok....right?

memos for the day

to direct TV: i love you, thank you for letting me watch the cubs

to my home-made jean skirt: you are so comfy

to my hangnail: why...why you gotta make my whole finger sore

to my car: you look good when you get a good washin, even thouugh that piece of trim fell off you when i was on the highway a couple weeks ago, and even though i have left many scratches on you when i prop my guitar case against you on Sundays...

to my nightmare last night: don't ever come back...i did not enjoy you

to my mom: blog!!...already.

to tanya: i'll retrive my winter coats from you in September

to the 3 dogs i'm watching: stop barking at random tiny noises and scaring the crap out of me

to my fridge: why are you empty?

to wally, my teddy bear: why you gotta jump off my bed in the middle of the night as to allude me right when i need you most when i have a nightmare

to jamie: thanks for the long convo today :)

to the next 19 days: please go by fast so the wait for my man to get here won't kill me

to tony: i love you more this second than i did the last

to all of you who puked at the last memo: shut-it, if i can't kiss him, than i at least gotta give him a shout out on my blog....

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

check out my mom....the actress....she's the one on the couch

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

thought i would change things up a bit...i didn't like my old here we go...

it stinks though cause i lost all my old comments...

i'm about to do my daily run...or jog i should say....i'm getting pretty hooked on this running thing..and although during it..i hate every second of it...i sorta enjoy it after...knowing i just knocked off 3 miles....

i'm house-sitting for 2 months right now...this lady has an awesome house...but it's not very tidy...i stayed up sunday night cleaning....i had to wipe down the counters and mop the floors...she has 3 dogs...and needless to say...there is dog hair everywhere.....but she does have direct i was able to watch my cubbies play..which ruled....and she does have a hot tub...although it hasn't been used all my next project is to drain that and clean it, and get it back to usable condition....

24 more days till tony moves here...
16 more days till i move out of my apt...
39 more days till i go to Mexico...

let the countdowns begin...

Thursday, June 17, 2004

" this end I labor, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me"
Col 1:29

His energy...His....what a relief, cause i don't have an ounce left.

i can't stop tears from falling, i don't think i've ever felt so much pressure in life, so much transition, so much opposition...

i hate the 20' jamie has stated on the cover of the eclectic mix cd she made me "the 20's suck, wake me up when i'm 30"...can i get a witness on this 20's thing?

i was challenged recently to come up with a 5 yr. personal growth plan. it was hard to look at my life 5 years out...but much easier to picture my life at 30, and then look back. It was easier to think, "when i'm 30, and look back on my life, what do i wish i would have accomplished?" i broke my life into "RPM's": 4 categories, Relational, Physical, Mental, & Spiritual...
you should do it...and when we all turn 30, we can say we did something with our 20's...

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

for more info on mine and heather's day at the beach...visit heath's on left...good stuff

Monday, June 07, 2004

this couple was on a blanket next to us at the beach..."doing the deed" if you know what i mean...this is right after they got "done"...they are getting situated and getting out of have no shame... Posted by Hello

heather snapped this of me writing "i love you: in the sand for Tony.... Posted by Hello

i like this's through the artsy lense of tony's brother scott.... Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 06, 2004

these pics are low resolution...but i couldnt wait to post them...this is the dress i had to lose 60lbs to get into :) Posted by Hello

tony and I at the wedding...don't we look hot? Hee hee....i made tony match me...he thought i was crazy..but i say we look pretty good...matching is always good :) Posted by Hello

Me and Heath at the was so cold... Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

i have an assignment for someone...

find me a cool blog that says "me".....something blue..something with stars or moons...or just something really cool..i give up..i hate mine and i want it to look cool...

if anyone is up for this challenge...let me know...mind you, there will not be a reward of monetary value...just the reward of knowing you have made me happy...will that work?