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Another night of sleep=another wacked out dream

This time i dreamt about our first service here at Life Journey Christian Church...probably the reason for much of my anxiety and insomniac nights....anyway, here goes the dream:
we we meeting in a movie theatre (which is true)..but it was really dark in there, we started the service by showing ET movie clips-people were standing and cheering so loud..the place was packed, and i was in the front row...i'm not really sure why i wasnt on stage...but i did nothing but watch....the movie clips lasted forever..and at the end there was the sony logo, but the word sony wasnt there..it was the word phony...not really sure what that means...anyway..we went into worship-brian prunty was there playing guitar..but he had this little kids guitar with a tire glued onto the front of it (again with the tires...what the heck)....so he played along on this tiny out-of-tune guitar...and i was yelling at him from the front row.."brian, use my taylor, you can use my guitar.." but he insisted on playing his tiny guitar...whatever....the rest of the details of the service were kinda sketchy...i just remember a ton of people being there (which i hope really happens)...and at one point the projector got moved and we were watching the images on the side wall.....then my dream jumped to a hospital room..i was there with my cousin and some other lady i dont know...we were talking about how my finger twitches all the time (which is a real occourance: my right index finger twitches uncontrollably, and has since the insomnia began..i think it's a sign of stress)....anyway...that's my dream....what's up with the tires...

Last night i sat on my bed stuffing envelopes for my next wave of support letters to go out....i sat there listening to some jack johnson..and it took me about 5 songs to realize it was the same song five times..my cd player was on repeat apparently and i didn't know....

I got attacked by a rottweiler last night-and by that i mean my friend's dog was so excited to see me that he jumped on me and his claw dug into my arm and just slid down it...and it's that weird part of your arm that is super sensitive skin..like the part of the arm that only touch your side above your elbow....where most of the flab hides...well, needless to say..i have two huge line/bruises that start at my armpit and go all the way down to my elbowpit....they look weird and are spattered with tiny circle bruises all the way down....so didnt really get attacked..but it makes me sound tough to say a rottweiler attacked me.....