Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Tuesdays are brutal.....i have to be at the office at 7 am..for a meeting..then ususally work a good 10 hr day.....and here i am sitting in the cafe..working more..i'm actually waiting to meet with someonoe interested in arts though...so that's fun.....coffee and chatting..my faves...

I'm a bit reflective today...on life, on love, on relationships, on ministry, on God. I went to a great little conference this weekend, but as always this worship leader conference makes me feel inadequate (in a good way) as a worship leader...in the fact that i am supposed to be calling people into worship, but I myself am not reflecting a lifestyle of worship..in all i do....why do i need to pay for a conference to remind me of that..o well....
on relationships: i realize i am blessed with the best friends on earth, old high school friends that i will keep in touch with for the rest of my life......college friends who will always share the funniest stories with and share ministry with......napes friends..who i will always be connected with through church, whom are some of my most supportive loving friends....and new relationship in which i see lasting a very long time....i'm so blessed...
my reflections on God: this weekend our service message is entitled "What God Wants", i've been thinking of that over and over all week.....and came up with this....He wants our true worship....true worship.....not a show, not a production, not the best band ever, not the coolest ppt, not the latest movie clip....our full, authentic, true worship.....our lives......and that is what i will give Him...every decision, every joy, every pain, every relationship, every moment of every day....I want my llife to overflow worship.....the overflow from my heart being constantly filled...
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Rom 15:13

Monday, October 20, 2003

This is our first Twin Blog..by shelly and scott....

Me first: scott and i are hanging out in my faves cafe...my monday routine..we just caugt up on everyone's blogs....cory..you are a freak...but scott noticed you posted that blog at 9:25 pm....whoooo...late night you crazy drunk night owl...funny stuff.....have fun in vegas with the ladies....you can always drive 5 hrs to visit me.....
sven..you are a dork....nice pee story....i rather enjoy your once-a-month blogs...and yes..our mom is retarded...."pass it to me now"....we love you mom....

Scott's turn: whats up all..... i had a job for three days before i quit.... i was working a protest at a grocery store in the ghetto and got spit on by some spineless coward.... when i went to turn in my uniforms the dispatcher tried to get me to stay by hooking me up with her 18 yr old daughgter... i said thanks but no thanks....i saw my first real picasso and van gogh at a beautiful fine arts museum in san francisco.... it was great so now i must finish school so i can stare at art for a living.....cali rules .....the yankees suck......see ya.

ok, i'm back...sven...you better be figuring out how you are coming out here for our bday.....7 more days till we turn 25.....or twenty-fine..if you will....we have nothing exciting planned yet for the joyous event...me, scott, t-dubs, and hopefully sven will do something......scott and i checked out The Price is Right tickets..that's what we wanted to do..but they arent taping next week...bummer man...i wanted to kiss bob barker's cheek when he hands over the keys to my new wrangler.....

my favorite countdowns:
7 more day till bday
5 more days till tanya gets here
37 more days till tony gets here
57 more days till i fly to chicago

hope no one is having a 'case of the mondays'....have a good week....

Friday, October 17, 2003

I would llike to live the rest of my life in denial that game 7 ever took place.....can we just forget it....it's too painful....

I rocked my cubs hat to work today..that's a true fan...so for all of you fair weather fans that jumped on the band wagon...time to get off...we'll catch you again next year in the post season...until then jump on some football team band wagon....certainly not the bears though......awww..sweet home chicago...

So lately all me and Scott do is watch movies...of course we rented The Matrix: Reloaded..the day it came out...good stuff.....could that movie be any more messianic and relay truth about choice and free will...I would love some feedback and discussion..that would be a great movie to review for IDS at LCC....all of us alum could have done our 302 project..matrix style..i would be wearing the tight black cat suit of course....as well as rock a few hundred guns.....
another movie that i would love some feedback on...Igby Goes Down....watched it last night....not sure of my reaction yet..i think i either need to see it again..or contemplate the meaning of such a movie.....i do recommend it though....don't watch it in mixed company though unless you are completely comfortable with that......not so much a movie

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Dear God,

I know this may sound trivial...but could you please allow the Cubs to win tonite.....


Monday, October 13, 2003

God is good...why do i forget that daily...
I get to work in full-time ministry...and get paid to worship...this weekend was the second weekend of our church...and it was great.....if you read my blog on friday you know that i was a little stressed....not having people in the right places...but all was well, as usual...God continues to use me in my inadequacey..in my lack of faith..in my lack of preparation....."we are weak, but He is strong, yes, Jesus loves me...." It's so simple...

Friday, October 10, 2003

Today's Status:

Cat in my car for real this morning...caught him red handed..or pawed

Happy: got a new cell phone finally

Stressed: no drummer for this weekend, my male vocalist backed out for the special, the church the band used to practice scheduled themselves over our rehearsal time, and i have to drive down to LA to pick up microphones...

Ready to watch the cubs kick butt tonite....

must get back to work.....

Dear Cat Owner,

Why should i have to roll my windows up just so your cat won't lounge in my car...how bout you keep your cat inside or maybe train him to clean himself somewhere else besides the back window ledge of my toyota.....thanks

Thursday, October 09, 2003

12-3, that's all i gotta say

This note was in my car this morning:

Dear Driver,

My cat has been getting into your car when you leave the windows open and napping on your back window ledge. I would appreciate it if you could check your car for cats before you drive away as it is possible that my cat could be in your car.

Thank You very much!

Ummmm...no joke...i told you those crazy clone cats are after me....

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

ok...i realize i haven't blogged "in a grip" as my brother would say.....sorry everyone.....i spent all morning catching up on everyone else's lives...thanks all for giving me props in your blogs about my cubbies....too bad they lost that night...that's ok..its all part of their plan to make the series dramatic...so now prior and wood can kick some ace.....

so a lot has happened in my little world since last time i blogged.....October has been a crazy little month....this past weekend, we launched our church....it was crazy...we had 325, which isnt bad at all..and servie went without a flaw...we got really good feedback....but of course all the old people thought it was too loud..."those darn kids and their rock n roll"....o well, we did get a note from a "respectful athiest" that asked permission to keep attending...so that works.....i was so exhausted by the time we were done on sunday...those early mornings are going to kill a sister....but..it's all worth it to be doing what i get to do....i still can't believe i get paid to worship...paid to lead people into the presence of God....
it was good to see some napes faces this weekend too, ccc peops flew in to help with launch..that was fun...

my brother also moved in with me this weekend...that rules...we have been putting our apt together for a couple days...trying to make it less girly and more boy-friendly..not that i'm not boy-friendly..cause i am...but that's another story....anywho....we got the hookup now for and entertainment system...thanks to scott.....it's fun to have him around of course...you know since he's my twin and all..but to actually have someone to watch the cubs with..that rules....we jumped around the living room together last night when sammy hit his 2 run homer to tie the game....but of course it wasnt enough to secure the game.....but then at least i has someone to mourn the loss with....

all and all life is good...can't complain...although i am a bit jealous of jamie and luke being in the city...and of amy seeing my cubbies in florida...amy..where all blue for me ok.....

notes to my friends:
tony: there i finally blogged...are you happy now... :) 49 more days...but who's counting...can't wait
jamie: get better and get on the rooftop and have an oldstyle and a brat for me....
amy: represent chi-town in florida
kristi: bring your beta fish and get out here...
cory: blog more often...
sven: same for you...but i understand you have no net....love you
soebs and b: when my cubbies win the world series, will you finally admit they were better than the cardinals this year

to my piece of crap cell phone: i hate you..i hate eveything about you...why are you evil...why don't you work when i really need you to...why does your battery staying power suck....why do you make me feel like i'm in prision and only get a two minute call.....why are you preventing me from talking to my friends from napes...why do you sometimes lie to me by telling me you are charging, but then when i try to use you...you shut down.......why why why.....i hate you.....but i can't live without you....