Wednesday, October 19, 2005

thanks for letting me vent yesterday!! I really felt the love from a lot of you...thanks!

update on the leaks....the roofers came today...and i heard them banging around up there...but they were only there for like 10 minutes..i guess i'll find out the effectiveness of their work when it rains again :) so for now we have 2 screwdriver holes in our ceiling and tony has cleverly placed a plant (instead of our stereo) under the holes...

tony and i are so excited...his mom and sis will be here in 2 days!! so i have 2 days to make our apt not look ghetto...

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

when it rains it pours...

let me be blunt...things suck here. paychecks aren't a guaranteed thing anymore, and tony has to quit school to get a few jobs. this morning we had to poke a hole in our celing with a screwdriver (suggested by our apt manager) to let the rain water drip faster into our buckets so the whole roof won't cave in. they have to wait for the rain to stop before they can fix the leaks. so for now we have wet carpet, a wet stereo, and 3 dirty buckets catching water.

you know the line from swingers where rob says to mikey, "it's sunny every day here"....... he lied!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

whatever happened to these guys? i've lived in California for over 2 years now, and haven't seen one yet. I guess they lied to us back in '87. Posted by Picasa

feeling sorry for myself

There's something about that goose egg before the word "comments" down there that breaks my heart.

i dont know what is more sad, the fact that no one comments, or the fact that i check it a couple times a day to see if anyone commented.

o the sick twisted world of blogging.

and yes, perhaps this is a shameless attemp to get people to comment.

Monday, October 10, 2005

happy 4 month anniversary to me and tony!!

it seems like it's been longer than 4 months.

not the bad part of longer...but the good part.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Pedestrians have the right-of-way...right?

so here's my near-death experience: tony and i went to the grocery store last night...right around sunset (the timing is important). so we are casually strolling along in the parking lot, getting ready to enter the store when we notice a white car coming towards us, getting ready to turn down our lane, so we keep walking...but at some point it becomes apparent that this lady does not see us...she is going to hit us....she begins her make her turn...right into us...i remember thinking.."this lady is going to hit us" i looked up at her..then noticed her visor is down, i can't even see her if i can't see her face...she surely does not see us....well, tony being the city boy he is (who later told me he knows how to get hit by a car) bends his knees and is prepared to jump up on the hood if he has to. but me, i freeze..i actually locked up my legs and put my hands if my hands would stop a moving car...then i proceeded to scream at the top of my lungs. well, the scream is what saved us...the lady fortunately had her window down, and the scream made her slam on her breaks...still not knowing she was about to hit us. she finally looked from around her visor and said..."i'm was the sun, i couldnt see..are you was the sun." then tony YELLS..."well slow down"...lady says.."i was going slow"...shelly says nothing and is surprised she didnt actually crap her pants....

so anyway we were spared from serious injury. so we try to go about our shopping...but i was shaking in fear so bad and my heart was pounding. the cool thing was the lady came into the store and found us in produce and apologized again..she felt horrible...tony also apologized for his adrenaline-induced yelling at her to slow down (he was only trying to stand up for his wife). so all is well!!

i actually thought it was very cool of the lady to come find us....if i were her, i wouldnt have even come into the store...i would have driven straight home and not told a soul that i almost hit 2 pedestrians.

the end.