Tuesday, February 28, 2006

i've kinda been a downer lately...and tony told me if i blogged i have to say positive stuff..so here it goes...

the positive things in life.
-married to a wonderful man who loves me despite all my flaws
-have the best friends in the world who still love me even when i'm horrible at keeping in touch lately
-tdubs sent me a mix cd with special meaning and i can't wait to listen to it in the morning when i get ready
-my bro is on his way back to the midwest
-tony and i are looking at apartments in the city
-can't wait to bike around the 10,000 lakes this spring/summer
-have long nails...again..i'm proud of my long nails..i'll keep you posted when i break on
-leading worship at ccc in napes in april, can't wait to lead worship again
-working a good paying temp job for a couple weeks
-have mastered driving stick..well, maybe "mastered" isn't the right word
-sugar free ice cream
which is where i will end so i can go partake....

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

what's new with you shelly? well i'm glad you asked.

i got a job...but it doesn't start till august. i will be teaching 7/8th grade at a christian school in bloomington, MN..just 10 min. away. it's a crazy long story...but basically God set up a meeting b/w me and principal and got me this job...i'm so excited..I subbed there a couple times last week, and the kids are great..i love jr. highers....the funny thing is that i'll be teaching english, literature, and history....if you know me at all, you know those aren't my favorite...but still fun for me. the school has chapel daily..so i get to dust off my guitar and lead worship too...

so, in the meantime i have to temp for the next six months..which is kinda scarey...cause who knows if and when i'll work...for example today i'm still in my pajama's doing bills...

i'm researching school and hope to take a couple classes this summer...

this just in..i have long nails now...

i want snow....at least if it's gonna be cold...give me some snow

this post is becoming more random and thoughless..better quit for now

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I got this from a friend's blog...thanks keith..i'll help spread the word

The Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting enough people to click on their site daily to meet their quota of donating at least one free mammogram a day to an underprivileged woman. It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on "donating a mammogram" for free (pink window in the middle).

This doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate mammogram in exchange for advertising.
Here's the web site! Pass it along to people you know.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

it's 4 am...why am i up?

i'm trying out a new daily schedule..so far i dont like it.

tony leaves for work at 4..and i get up with him at 3:30..i'm going to try to stay up and head to the gym when it opens at 5...then i can take my time..get a good workout in and come home and get ready for work...when i AM working. i'll keep you posted on how long i keep up this schedule..i'm not sure about it yet...

i'm still temping...no permanent job yet. i have a 'meeting' with a principal today of a christian shcool...she's stressed that it's not an 'interview'...but ok..i'm not even really sure what the job entails..if it will be subbing or what...
i thought i had an interview yesterday..i say 'thought' because i showed up and it was cancelled. i wont name any names..but a very well-known christian college in the area set up an interview with me for yesterday for an admin position...only when i got there i was informed that the interview had been cancelled cuase they already hired someone....apparently the h.r. lady 'emailed' me and cancelled on friday night at 8pm....i guess they dont have the courtesy to 'call' me. but stupid me..why would i think they would call, just like they did to set up the interview..i should have known to check my impersonal, unprofessional communication email....
i'm a little bitter...only cause i missed out on temping yesterday becasue i blocked out the whole day for my 1pm interview that never happened.....

so it's back to the drawing board for work...

today and tomorrow i'm temping at the temping office..how ironic is that...

Thursday, February 09, 2006

the snow is falling...it's so pretty..i never thought i would miss winter so much.

i must say i have mastered free cell...although i've played so much that when i look away from the computer i still see a bunch of red and black cards...

today's accomplishments in the life of a temp
-answered 2 phone calls and successfully transferred them
-prepared a package for ups
-filed 3 invoices
-mailed an invoice
-5 crosswords, 1 sudoku, numerous free cell & solitaire
-balanced my checkbook

on the agenda for the rest of the day
-finish the lion the witch & the wardrobe
-research auto insurance
-get up and look at the snow occasionally
-eat an orange around 3pm

i know i should be embracing this time as many of you have suggested...and i will...and i will also salute those who are working hard today...i hope to join your ranks soon...and then i plan to complain on my blog about that too!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

the boredom continues...

thanks to all who left comments...looks like all i have to do it cry 'bored' and everyone comments...sweet...

o my goodness..i have been without the internet all day on this office computer...i've been secretly trying to fix the computer all morning so that i could get online...but since it's not my computer of workplace..i had to do it undercover. nothing was working, and i didnt want to ask the boss..cause there's no 'temping' reason i need to be online....

anyway..i kept getting alerts pop up about a virus..so i ran a scan and it found 34 critical items....so i thought that would fix it..but it didnt...i needed to restart the computer..but then i worried i couldnt sign back on without knowing the login and password...so i did some computer investigation work and found out what the sign-in name was...and it just so happens that i asked the secretary before she left for vaca what her password was in case the computer crashed..so i was all set..

so here it is 2pm and i'm just now getting online for the day...

things i did at my temp job today...
1. 10 crosswords
2. watered the plants
3. 15 games of free cell
4. oo..i got to open the mail
5. 'fixed' a computer
6. put some stamps on 2 letters
7. filed 3 papers (i'm saving up a lot of stuff to file later in the week when i just can't take it any more)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

so i'm temping this week...and could not be more bored!!

i have 2 crossword puzzles with me...i've done a couple online sudoku puzzles...read everyone's blog twice, and made jamie email with me back & forth...

i'm even so bored i'm reading a book..and if you know me well, you know that never happens...that should give testament to how bored i really am...

i'm reading naria..easy read, so no big novels or anything...i haven't gone that far...

i have 2 interviews next week...wish me luck, or pray...whatever your pleasure...

feel free to comment...i'll be checking them every 2 minutes since i'm so bored..

ps...i'm bored

Monday, February 06, 2006

"look at this milk dud..."
really, did he have to sing the nashy anthem? his words are so distorted you can't even understand him, and aretha blew him out of the water....

o-o-o-o sa-ee-ay kon u-oo-u se-ee-ee bwyyy the da-hee-awns e-rlee li-heeight...

Friday, February 03, 2006

Jamie made me do this...

Four jobs I have had

1. housekeeping at comfort inn in lincoln...let's just say i can't look at baked beans the same
2. picking weeds in bean fields...i only lasted one week...that was the worst summer job
3. cook at camp como
4. and to copy jamie's term "Custodial Technician at Lincoln Christian College and Seminary."

Four movies I can watch over and over

1. Braveheart
2. Dazed & Confused
3. Office Space
4. Waiting for Guffman

Four places I have lived

1. Stanwood, Wash. when i was a wee child
2. Crest Hill, IL...when tdubs and i couldnt afford to live in napes
3. Bakersfield, CA...desert land usa
4. Streator, IL...need i say more

Four TV shows I love

1. The Office
2. Survivor
3. Biggest Loser
4. Law & Order (any of the initials)

Four places I've vacationed

1. ohahu for honeymoon
2. syracuse, NY...spring break in college
3. Lake Mills, WI when i was little
4. CO

Four of my favorite dishes

1. My mom's taco salad
2. My momn's Italian beef..now my specialty
3. any salad...honestly i love salads
4. jamie's sandwiches...never eaten a better one

Four sites I visit daily

1. hotmail
2. blogs
3. more blogs
4. google

Four places I would rather be right now

1. steady employment
2. our own home (but am completely grateful for the in-laws hospitality)
3. 160 lbs.
4. in a new car

Five people I am tagging

1. tdubs...do it tanya
2. tony...please
3. sven...i won't hold my breath
4. scott
5. heathanda