Monday, November 28, 2005

i dont think i'll ever like mondays...unless i win like a million dollars on a monday..then i'll give it a second chance.

thanksgiving was good...but really missed being with family, looking forward to next year in streator

tony and i actually had a few days off together...we spent our time starting to pack up our our apartment is officially in transition mode...our table is taken apart, and our dining room is serving as our "mock 300 cubic feet testing area", so we know how much the movers can take....i even measured it out on the floor. so far we are good, i'm not even sure if we have enough stuff to fill 300 cubic feet...that's sad.

4 weeks left in cali. mixed emotions. not really ready for the cold. excited for snow. ready to be done with full-time ministry. will miss leading worship every Sunday. will love a break on Sundays. can't wait to be close to family and friends. will miss 12 month flip flops.

tdubs is coming this excited about that...however she will never know what our cute apartment looked like now that it is full of boxes...i actually got someone to work for me at 'the mac' so we can hang out all day on saturday!!

sad that it won't feel like christmas this year. we probably won't decorate or get a tree since the movers come on the 29th and we head out on the 31st. maybe i can throw some lights on our palm tree in our living room and call it a cali christmas. our first christmas married, and no tree. i'm at least putting our stockings up...maybe i can string some garland and lights on our boxes...i'm sure i could fasion a reindeer out of our uhaul boxes and some hangers.

Monday, November 21, 2005

You Are Likely an Only Child

At your darkest moments, you feel frustrated.
At work and school, you do best when you're organizing.
When you love someone, you tend to worry about them.

In friendship, you are emotional and sympathetic.
Your ideal careers are: radio announcer, finance, teaching, ministry, and management.
You will leave your mark on the world with organizational leadership, maybe as the author of self-help books.

so...i'm not an only child..i have 3 siblings...other than that small detail..this is all right on....funny that it mentions 'teaching' & 'ministry', since i'm leaving ministry to be a teacher.....

ps...yes i'm obessed with personal testing...there's gotta be some test out there to tell me what that means about myself...


i find it quite hilarious how strategic the marketing is on commercials during "the price is right". this morning as i was ironing i tuned into my fav game show with bob i always do if i am home around the 10am hour. anyway every commercial is aimed at senior citizens. one of them being the "hoveround power chair"..those commercials crack me up...first of all you got the old peops singing "you made me love you" if they were implying 'i didnt want to admit i'm old and need a power chair, but because the hoverround is so made me love you'...then you have scenes of timmy whirling around on his trycycle with grandma in the foyer of the house, cause now she can play...she has a power chair......o, and i think you can even take the hoverround to the grand canyon. but my fav (and jamie's) senior citizen commercial is where wilfred brimley yells at me to check my blood sugar and check it often, and that liberty can deliver your diabetes testing supplies right to your door...'you test strips, your lancets, whether you use insulin or not'....

so i'm not really sure what is more sad....that i memorized these commercials...or that i watch "the price is right" that is obvioulsy aimed at an older market.

thus concludes my useless entry for today.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

You Are 40% Weird

Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it!

i love self-discovery tests....or is it that i love myself...

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

oh, the irony...

so as you can see i attempted to post on was this big long post about how i had a "case of the mondays"...about how much worked sucked (the server job) on sunday night, and how much my day sucked on monday...i spent like a half hour on this post ranting about my horrible days...and wouldn't you know...when i went to publish was all erased. so i guess i wasn't supposed to complain after i'll move on.

things i've learned since Sunday...

--my manger at macaroni grill grew up in Ottawa and of course knows where Streator is..this is good since now i have "an in" with him after making countless mistakes and feeling like a tard at work on sunday.

--sony headphones can withstand a wash cycle in a triple load washer at the laundry mat (the full story was in my deleted post on monday--but i'll spare you the story)

--i can't fall asleep at night without my husband...tony is working late night shifts at his new job (again, the whole "3 jobs b/w the 2 of us-never going to see each other till we move-story was in the deleted post)

--my eyesight sucks in the dark, i can't see the menu's when i work at night..either i'm just really exhausted or i need glasses. today i'm sporting my reading glasses from the drug store.

other things i've been pondering...

--i need to buy some socks before i move back to the midwest
--i am excited about snow
--my husband is the best for taping "biggest loser" for me last night so i could watch it when i got home from macaroni grill
--i'm tired of the guys on our roof every morning attempting to fix our neighbors AC
--the crockpot is a wonderful thing when you dont have time to cook dinner...since i'm not home to cook i throw crap in it in the morning...and in the evenenig we got a meal...(ok i dont literally throw crap in it). in the past 10 days i have made...torilla soup, chili, beef stew, and today i have a roast in.

the end (you are all now dumber for having read this post, i am awarded no points, and may God have mercy on my soul).

**this thing better publish or i'll freak out

Monday, November 14, 2005

Friday, November 11, 2005

my hubby is blogging now...i'm so excited!!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

You Are a Mai Tai

You aren't a big drinker, but you'll drink if the atmosphere is festive.
And when you're drunk, watch out! You're easily carried away.

finally a quiz that's right on!!! i love this one...and ironically enough i LOVE Mai Tai' was my drink of choice on our honeymoon. I have yet to find one as good as in Hawaii.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Your Career Type: Enterprising

You are engertic, ambitious, and sociable.
Your talents lie in politics, leading people, and selling things or ideas.

You would make an excellent:

Auctioneer - Bank President - Camp Director
City Manager - Judge - Lawyer
Recreation Leader - Real Estate Agent - Sales Person
School Principal - Travel Agent - TV Newscaster

The worst career options for your are investigative careers, like mathematician or architect.

this is like the worst match ever!! i ususally like tests...but i think this one is way off. although i could see myslef as a camp director, but an auctioneer...come on..i know i talk fast...but what? i'm no jim cronk! (i realize only a select few will get what i mean by that)
but i do like that i have persmission to smoke a cigar...but why am i a man?

Thursday, November 03, 2005

"Minnesota Nice"

wow, so much to update you blog readers on...

tony and i are moving to MN the first of the year! we are so excited! and yes, crazy for moving in the middle of winter...but we are trusting that God will hold off the snow till we get there. we are excited to be moving to a place where we can settle. i can't wait to say things like "minnesota nice" and "i'm feeling minnesota" as they say..ahhah...and of course there are all the 10,000 lakes or so..hence the land of 10,000 lakes. tony has a job there already with a company he used to work for that he loved, and i get to go back to school to pursue my teaching career...i'm so excited, i almost want to got start making practice math tests...anyone want to take one?

speaking of jobs, i started my training this week as a server at macaroni grill. i got to practice writing my name upside-down on the table, and i must say i'm good.."shelly" is really easy to write upside-down. training has been intense learning (which i love). i even made nerdy flashcards to learn what abbreviations to use for each fav is P-CROCK!! o, and we got to taste wine yesterday, which of course my face turned it's deep shade of red, as alcohol does that to me!

so basically the next 2 months are going to be pretty busy, i have 2 jobs, tony is in the process of getting hired for a job that he will work long hours, we have to prepare for the move, transition out of my ministry job, spend enough time with all our friends here, o and tony and i will probably rarely see each other....but we will have all that time in the car on our long drive back to the midwest to make up for it.

so, any suggestions on what i should call my blog when i can't stay 'shellafornia'. 'shellasota' is always on option.