Tuesday, January 25, 2005

135 days till my wedding!!  Posted by Hello

Friday, January 21, 2005

Juror #9 is finished with her civic duties...

i have been on a jury trial since last monday, and finally today it is over...

what a cool, weird, annoying, exciting, boring process it was...

i won't go into all the details...but now that i can finally talk about it i can't wait to tell people about it.
basically is was a "wrongfull death" case, a woman was suing a hospital & the doctor for the wrongfull death of her husband (he was only 27 at the time, went in for appedix surgery, died 3 days later of a mass of blood clots in his heart) basically she was suing the hospital for being "neglegant"....

she won....we the jury found the hospital (not the doctor though) neglegant and found that they acted 'below the standard of care' for the this patient and his death could have been avoided.

couple thoughts/highlights of the week:
-i single-handedly persuaded the jury on an issue (there are like 8 diff "special verdict" questions we have to answer, and i felt really strongly about on of them so i literally convinced the jury and they all changed their minds (scott compared me to john cusack in "runaway jury"...and supposedly he happened to me juror #9 as well...hmmm)

-i heard so much medial jargon and testimony, that if i were to go to medical school i would be years ahaed of the game...

-some of my fav phrases or words were..."differential diagnosis" "compensitory mechanism" and my fav: "deep vein thrombosis"

-i did shed a small tear or 2 throughout the trial, but i will say i did not let "smypathy come into factor for my verdict"

-it was so moving today to sit in the court room as the judge read the verdict and see the "plantiff/widow" cry her eyes out....as she kept looking at the jury and mouthing "thank you"...i coulnd't look at her anymore...i was tyring to be the professional juror and not cry

-finally, i realized no amount of money will ever replace this woman's husband, and i would never wish such a horrible thing to happen to anyone....her and her husband were my age...i cant even imagine!!

wow, what a crazy 2 weeks...now back to my "normal" life....

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

I feel like i accomplished so much today..i have been doing wedding stuff all day..making phone calls, sending emails...etc.

my wedding planner has a little timeline and i was looking ahead to the "2-4 months out section" and i read:

"consider having your teeth cleaned or bleached"

it just struck me as funny...ahahahha
thanks for the tip...i just pictured me frantically doing tasks and then just stopping to "consider" having my teeth cleaned....
there are all these action verbs like...plan, select, purchase, order...and then "consider" pops in there....like they are trying to be too pushy, but by the same token want you to shine up those butter teeth

Happy New Year!!

Hope you all had great festivities and fun ringing in the New Year. Tony and I wanted to spend our first New Year together and low-key. well, it was low-key alright...we fell asleep on the floor.....and i woke up to yells of "happy new year" and fireworks outside....i was like..."crap tony, we missed it...happy new year"...then we got off the floor...cleaned up the kitchen and i went home to bed. watch out party people!!! it was good though...good to ring in the year i will be married in.

my new favorite gadgets: the jumbo george forman grill and mini rotisserie tony and i purchased with a christmas gift cert...we cook on it every night

the best feeling: tony got a new job that he likes....he gets to dress up every day...and i love seeing him happy

looking forward to: my "conference call" with t-dubs