Tuesday, September 28, 2004

i'm homesick this week...my uncle died friday night and i hate that i live so far away..i hate that i costs money to be with my family....so scott and i are stuck here while our whole family mourns together tonight. i wish i could be home just to hug my favorite aunt...

i'm in a meeting right now and i can't even focus...the people on the other end of phone at our teleconference meeting keep calling on me like a teacher in class who know i'm not paying attention.....sorry my head is not in work today....

for that matter my head hasn't been in my work at all lately....

tony and i are stressing about wedding plans....money issues...it sucks...ironically the meeting i am in...we are planning a service around the issue of money...

i wish it fealt like fall here..i wish i could curl up in a blanket and watch football..instead you have to crank up the air in your apt to be comfortable....although i must say i took comfort in the fact that i put on a fleece this morning when i left the house at 6:50...but by 10 today..i will have on a tank top...that sucks...

i desperately miss my family and friends right now..i'm having a hard time being in CA this week

Friday, September 17, 2004

Since i use this blog as a way to keep in touch with friends and family..i thought i would use it to let everyone know (who doesn't know already) that tony and I set a wedding date...June 10, 2005...it's a Friday night. (thanks amy for reminding me to tell my peops)...it's in Streator..Friday night party baby!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

if i could just do this everyday, i would be happy....just sing and play, sing and play, sing and play..... Posted by Hello

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

"it's sunny every day here..."

sometimes i get sick of the sun.....i would love a nice cold, rainy day once in a while....maybe the chance to actually wear jeans and, dare i say, a long-sleeve shirt.....

i don't really have much to say lately...odd huh? i'm in a weird funk it seems....yesterday i just cried before going to work...just feeling overwhelmed...stressed....all i want to do is work on wedding stuff...but turns out i have a job and other stuff to do.....

it was suggested to me last week to look at my life a year ago, and see how far it has come.....this is a great excercise if you feel like you are in a funk...it makes you realize how things have changed and how, even though it may seem you are going nowhere right now, you came from somewhere else.....

anyway i looked at old journals, old blogs.....and this was my life a year ago this week...

-tony and i had just started talking again....every entry in my journal was a prayer for him and us...(it's always funny to me when you want someone you pray for them a lot...like i was genunially praying for him...but really wanted to say to God..."give him to me")
-i had just met my first 2 friends in bakersfield...over a clove at the local cafe
-i was having wacked out dreams, after not sleeping for days.....(visit my blog archives and read about my dreams...they made me laugh out loud..i forgot i had those...)
-the church hadn't launched yet...and i had no clue what i was doing (i still don't)
-jamie's mom was sick....i was praying for her
-i was 65 lbs heavier :)

where was your life a year ago?