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ok kristi, i'm finally blogging...i know..it's been too long....

it's been a crazy little september....you've missed a lot...i had a small nervous breakdown over the fact that we are lanching a church in less than a month now.....i think my stomach is full of ulcers...and yes..i did get up at 4:30 am to go hiking on labor day....sure, i didnt talk to anyone till after 10...but it was good..we saw the hugest sequioa trees ever..in all of life...and picked some blackberries along the road...that sound so "little house on the prairie"...i should follow that by saying we all went back to the cabin...lit some candles, read our mormon bible, and went to bed..

this church planting isnt so bad though..it's actually awesome...we had our first band rehearsal friday night..and it ruled.....God is good....there was a drummer-someone i know from napes who moved out here..supposed to be my sound guy..so now he's doing both..dont really know how that's going to work....then we have a bass player...he's probs the coolest 50yr old guy i know..where's flip flops, is all tan.and is the best bass player ever..he acutally plays gigs all over town..he played with a band of a bunch of 'old guys' that called themselves "dudes with day jobs" DWDJ for short.....we have a 14 yr old electric guitar player...who asked if it was ok to leave his skeleton sticker on his guitar..saying this while he wore a cowbow hat and a belt buckle the size of a large dinner plate...this being the same kid that the day before had on a concert t-shirt a hoodie..and some baggies with his boxers hanging out..so basically the epitome of postmodernity..no identity man.....we have a vocalist who is probs about 50..a woman...a grandma mind you..who acutally got all up in the crazy big songs we were doing...who know's, by launch she may be wearing leather pants..and we'll have matching eyebrow rings.....speaking of eyebrow rings..in comes mark...a doctor's son...about my age...bleach blonde hair...dark rimmed glasses, pierced eyebrow, a Stone Temple Pilots shirt (nice), and a sweet guitar to go with his nice vocals....he's in a couple bands right now, and has never been in a christian band..he's pumped........o, and our keyboard player is the most opposite of anyone that i know that plays keys...he's the regional manager for the Midas shops in town, big guy, mechanic mind you, playing the piano like elton john......so, there's my band...i didnt believe it when we played our first song...it rocked......no one but God could put together such a band.....

so for three days i'm the mother of three..i'm staying at our pastor's house watching his kids while they are back in IL....i did the whole cook them dinner, put them to bed thing...but the killer is that i have get them up by 7 to get them off to school..that's going to suck..i hope i get up....watch them all miss their buss, cuase their live-in nanny can't get up before 9...i promised them pancakes for breakfast. i put them to bed tonite and headed towards the hot tub in the back yard..to gaze at the moon of course...you can't see many stars out here this time of year though cause the smog is so bad.so that sucks....not a cloud in the sky, but you can't see the stars because of the dust that just sits there...hmmm...go figure

mental notes:
-shelly, don't say pop in Cali...it is soda...they will make fun of you often...
-shelly, no one here but you has a rusty car, get your jeep wrangler soon
-shelly, don't stay in the hot tub for more than 3 hrs..you get way too pruney...