so sorry...i'm the worst blogger ever
this has been a crazy whirlwind past month or so..
i'll give you a quick summary of my life right, then in later posts i will finally highlight my summer in photos, a la flashback to summer. (i have this thing where i didn't want to blog out of order...but i'm getting over it.) i'm a teacher now!! really long story..but basically i had a teaching job, then i didn't, now i do. i found out a copule days before school needless to say i'm cramming in curriculum. i'm teaching 7/8th grade history and literature (and yes, if you know me well, you know this girl doesn't like to read, nor is history the best category for me in trivial pursuit...) but God is good, and I love my job. i love jr.highers.
so i'm currently reading 3 lit books (grades 5-8) and am learning about France in the modern age...trying to just stay a couple days ahead of my students...
can't believe it's september already, my h.s. reunion is fast the planning.tracking.finances keep me busy.
other news:
-starting pilates..excited
-have a jacked up ankle-bone chip/tendonitis
-can't wait to experience fall weather..bring it on
more to come with my summer flashback...