Friday, March 17, 2006

top 'o the morning to ya...

happy st. patty's day! i'm at work of course, and all the venders i've called today have been i'm taking this quick break for sanity and to tell you a little about my morning at the gym.

i went to the gym this morning at 5:45am for the first time in a while, i did not want to go, so i wasn't in the best mood, but my mood suddenly changed when i arrived at the gym and the old man behind the counter scanning my id had on a green sequence leperacon hat and a big green shamrock pin on his shirt, he must smiling so big, he must have been waiting all year to wear that hat. then i get on the eliptical machine and just observed the many characters working out this morning-i want to tell you about 2.

1. I will call him 'toothpaste armpit man'. he was running on the treadmill right in front of me and i couldn't help but stare at his armpits...he had some white goo in them, you could tell he was a serious runner, he was stick thin and i noticed he had already run 3miles, which would turn to 5 by the time he was i figured the toothpaste looking goo was probably some sort of lubricant for serious runners to wear in their underarm area to prevent chaffing...regardless of what it was, it provided 2 miles of amusement for me and a pointless blog paragraph...

2. I will call him 'angry face sweaty man'. this guy is at the gym every time i am there, he is middle-aged and is in good shape but i can't help but notice he is always drenched, i mean drenched in always looks like he was just in a wet t-shirt concert. he also always has a permanent angry/i'm working out really hard face. his face just says, 'oo, look at me, i'm working really hard and it hurts, but i love it.' you know, i can see having this face on when you are lifting some serious weights, but this guy even makes that face when he gets the cleaner and paper towels to clean the bike he was riding..

there are several other characters at the gym, but i'll save them for another day...some include 'tie-dyed shirt women', 'hiking boots/sweat pants guy', and 'fast/bent-over asian walker'....

this all brought to you by 'strange gym starer lady'

Thursday, March 16, 2006

just when you think spring is coming...

we got 9.5 inches monday, i enjoyed it since i couldnt get up the road and had to call in to my temp job. i just considered it pratice for snow days when i'm a teacher...
then today we are supposed to get anohter 6-8 has been snowing all morning. but this time i left early for work, my 15min drive took 1hour, but i even got her 5 min early!!
the snow is actually really pretty and i wish i got off early so i can play in it...i need some pics of me in snow for the scrapbook documenting my move back to the midwest..i might have to stage some 'playing in snow' poses.

to shift gears totally....

last weekend tony took me out to a really cool japanese steak house in minneapolis called ichiban' of those places where you sit around the grill and watch the chef do crazy things with knives and such...

on our way out that night we were trying to find our way around downtown when all of a sudden we say a million bright flashes, we looked up and realized we had gone through a red light and got caught by the cameras (the only reason we know this is cause tony got caught in bakersfield and got slammed with a $400 ticket, but that's another story for another time)..anyway...

many thoughts when through our maybe they won't catch us since we still have CA plates...but maybe we'll get fined even more since we DO have CA plates...or maybe we shouldn't go out tonight since we already spent our money on this ticket...

so..the story may have a happy ending!! Just this week, it's been huge in the news that the red light cameras in downtown are unconstitutional and may be removed...i guess since you can't really prove who was driving, and lots of car owners are getting let's hope that still passes and we can skate by w/out a ticket...i guess only time will tell...the wait sucks though..not knowing if a ticket is on it's way...

ok..i promise i'm done babbling..can you tell my job is boring?

Friday, March 03, 2006

i totally feel like peter gibbons in office space today whenever i reach for the doorhandle at the office i'm temping ALWAYS shocks me....i even have this little o.c.d. routine down where i try to touch the wood part of the door first...but it still shocks me...i'm gonna bring in my drill next week and take the handle off...and by 'my drill' i mean my father-in-laws', cause neither me or tony own a drill...

so yes..i'm temping and normally we are really busy..but today sucks, so i'm acting busy...i lucked out and am the only temp, out of 6 that got a window i stare at the mall of america, ikea, and the planes landing all day...
they tried to get us to come in saturday..but i wasn't having that either...again with office space metaphors...'um yeah..i'm going to need you to come in saturday...'

looking forward to the weekend..i think we're going apt. shopping, and there may or may not be some nightclub dancing scheduled...