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couple things....totally unrelated and random

saw meet the fockers with scott last night....i liked it, although i wanted to really laugh, but only found myself chuckling...o well

church planting is hard and sometimes you forget how much satan sucks and wants a piece of you till you decide to help start a church...

i'm slightly jealous of jamie's huge blog following...i want a following...

i ran to work today and was weirded out by the fact that lots of people i ran by were really friendly and said hello or good morning...and also of course the roofers that whistled at me and said something in spanish...

confession to my other blogger friends: when i go to your blogs...if it looks like it's going to be too much reading...i dont read it...sorry...i hate reading...i wish i could click on something and just hear your voice.....or have someone else read it to me....which brings me to the next thought...

i used to love it when jamie would read stuff outloud to me in college, and equally loved it that i counted it toward my required reading for class....


I've been following. Dont' worry. I want a following, too. I can't find myself writing anything interesting ever like Jamie can. She has a gift of making people want to comment because she can describe things so well. I wish I could do that, but then I realize that I blog just to vent about stuff and keep in touch with all of you. Mostly I talk about Mommy stuff. I have to remember that I don't have to impress everyone with my wit and cleverness. Even though I want to!

I remember that about you shell - because I hate to ready too. I don't buy magizines if they don't have a lot of pictures in them! That's because we're October 27th babies, and we're the best. I thought meet the fockers was hilarious! I was belly laughing at the movies.

I know what you're talking about with the friendly people out here. Remember that lady at Borders?

By the way - I'm leaving Cali soon! I don't know if we'll be able to get together or not. We should talk soon.

You have a following, Nina. You always have. You are irresistible. You are loved. You are exciting, funny, and adorable, not to mention talented, endearing, and amazing!

Remember when we all read Jack Handy books aloud on the back porch..I miss that...I couldn't even finish reading that one.

Shelly, I wanted you to know I read your blog too! Congrats on your engagement! Sidenote: Joe (you've got to remember him from PR?!) asked about you the other day because he unpacked the poop book you and Jackie got him that WOE and we had a good laugh!


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