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I don't think that there is much life without email...i can't survive without it..or the web for that matter...what in the world did we do before it?
I say this because my email has been all jacked up and it throws my equalibrium all off.....I don't even know how to function....anywho..

so there's these 2 cats that hang around my apt. complex....it's really the only sign of life i've seen. It's kinda freaky...cause the cats are always there....yet there are never any actually people around...

i couldnt sleep last night...i usually never have a problem sleeping... woke up so much...i think i'm just anxious....i went to bed with sadness..thinking about how much i miss my friends in IL...and how sad I am that I havent been able to develop relationships here....
I think God is trying to do a work in me..that i'm just not ready for...it would probably help if I actually consulted Him on my life right now....gosh...i used to complain i had no time...having 4 jobs in naperville, singing every weekend..hanging out with friends...now i have all the time in the world...and still i complain....
I'm just an Israelite...complaining..even though it is obvious God is right here...

random thoughts....

I want to be really good at guitar....

I want to be good at ministry....

I want a new bed-that may be some of the reason i didn't sleep..it probably doesnt help that i am sleeping in a bed that my grandpa slept in..and died in for that matter.....

My best friend Kristi comes tomorrow...I can't wait. I need some social interaction with someone my age.

I don't think i'm very good at taking care of plants...

My apt. doesnt feel like home yet...maybe cause the walls are bare..and nothing significant has happened there yet....

Bakersfield doesn't feel like home yet either..I can't wait till that day comes...or maybe it won't

...This world is not my home....