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I realized yesterday that I don't think that I like to be called "Ma'am". It makes me feel old. Small Story

Yesterday, I visited the local Wal-Mart (that's what people do who don't have friends yet...) anyway...i spent an hour or so filling my cart...using my gift cert. that someone gave me....(it's fun to buy stuff that you aren't technically paying for)....so....as I was leaving i proceeded to push my cart through what i thought was an automatic door...but turns out it was just a regular door circa 1990.....so my cart kinda just thudded into the door.....that's when the "cart guy" says, "Ma'am, the automatic door is down here."
So at this point, I can't decide if "Ma'am" made me feel old, or just dumb...since it was followed by a statement that can only be taken as....hey, dork.....you can't just plow through any old door...if you want the door to open for you...you have to actually go through the door specifically marked 'automatic door'. Aww Wal-Mart. What are they still doing with 'normal' doors anyway....hey, 2003 called, they want you to join them...

So I'm excited today cause i'm actually typing on my own laptop.....I finally got hooked up to the network here, and am online....so, say Hi to my laptop, whom i affectionately call Delly Gebhardt. So now i don't have to use other people's computers while I spend time blogging and instant messaging...pretending to work.

I have a Board of Director's Meeting: whooo, i'm official now!!! key word being board...as in bored.....awwwww. I just wanna sing....i don't want to have a meeting about our voicemail system or church bylaws, and articles of incorporation......don't you just love ministry.